Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Upcoming Character Day

Friday, October 29th is a half day and we are celebrating the end of the marking period with Character Day!

Fifth Grade students may dress up as a character from the Bible. For example, a child may wear a coat made of camel hair, have a pocketful of fake locusts and wear a fake, hairy beard if they want to dress as John the Baptist. A girl may want to dress in her very best to portray Queen Esther. It's up to you! The only thing I don't want to see is NON-Biblical characters and masks.

During Character Day, I would like each student to share: the name of the person he/she dressed up as, who/what that person did, and why they chose that Biblical character. Your child can write that information down on an index card.

If you have any questions, please email me at wmellette@lccs.cc.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to Friday, October 29th for a number of reasons: it's Character Day, our first Reward Raffle and it's a half day of school! Wahoo! Should be fun!

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