Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Family Trees and Summer Birthday Friends!

What does a family tree and...
...Golden Barrel Baking Products have in common?
It was my FUN WAY of introducing our Family History lesson yesterday!
I brought a little of my family history to the classroom by making waffles from the pancake and waffle mix my parents make and sell. We first discussed our own family trees and then talked about Jesus' Family Tree. Today we began making a Baby Book about Jesus. I've asked students to go home and take a look at their own baby books, if they have one.
Did you child tell you about the waffles on Tuesday?
TODAY we celebrated Sarah's 11th birthday - which was actually in JULY!
This afternoon we celebrated Clark's 11th birthday which was in early August!
Waffles on Tuesday and...
...Long Johns (donuts) today!
So cute!
This is what a celebration is all about!
Kaylee wasn't too excited about being the last row to get their yummy treat...
...but Thursday brings another birthday treat, so maybe the last on Wednesday will be the first on Thursday!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Birthday Treats Info

Okay, I got a little carried away with googling pictures of birthday snacks, so you'll have to forgive me for that one!

You can bring in BIRTHDAY TREATS for your child on or around his/her birthday

Please just let me know what time you'd like me to pass them out

You can bring in a breakfast treat, mid-morning snack, or afternoon yummy

There are 14 students in 5th grade

And, some students like to hand out extra snacks to other teachers, but it's not required - it's all in what you want to do

I'm not aware of any peanut allergies in this class

Then, there's the EVER-POPULAR, ANYTIME snack of HERR'S Chips...It's an easy snack that makes everyone happy! (Mrs. Herr - 3rd grade teacher - paid me for this endorsement!) ha ha ha

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to shoot me an email!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Do I really have to get my picture taken?

Super happy to be here!


Such enthusiastic 5th graders

Ready to learn

Jayda teaching the class
Our Teacher's Aide
Trying to find their partners

Hmmm...Am I Adam and you're Eve?

Writing in our journal because it's Thoughtful Thursday!

What a great first day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Open House 2011

It's about that time!!!
What a good-looking group of future 5th graders!
What excitement!
What fun!
I'm looking forward to getting to know each and every one!
I'm so super excited to begin each school day with these smiling faces!
God is so good to entrust me with these special ones!
Praying for each and everyone!
Thursday can't come soon enough!
Science, history, math, reading and Bible....
....each and every day we will see God in each subject.
I'm just a little bit excited, I can't wait - perhaps you'll suspect...
I love school, I love God, and I can't wait to get to know each and every one of you -
can't wait to connect!