Saturday, January 29, 2011

More Marvelous Student Pics

I didn't even know that you bike in the snow, but leave it to TYLER to figure it out! Too cool!

Such a fun picture!

And, here he is posing with my FAVORITE WORD in the ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
Thanks for sharing your *Snow* pictures with us!
Have a great day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Sledding Sensation

Another student took me up on the "Emailing Mrs. Mellette a Snowy Picture" challenge.

Here's a precious picture of sweet Christina and her dad.

How are YOU spending your * * * SNOW DAY * * * today?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Way

What one of our 5th graders did today...

* * * * Looking for more * * Snowman Pics * * my favorite 5th graders! Email them to me and you'll see your on our blog, too! * *

Say It Ain't SNOW


*What a wild and crazy * SNOW * day!*
**I have SIX SNOWY STUDENTS today!* *

*Three SNOWY BOYS * and * Three SMILEY GIRLS*

**We're watching TOY STORY THREE**
*Until School officially starts at 10:00 this morning*

**10-1:00 That's our SNOWY SCHEDULE for this SNOW day!**

Friday, January 21, 2011

3 Day Week
By: Brandon
This week we only had a 3 day week. Monday was Martin Luther King so we had the day off. Tuesday we had no school because of so much snow. Wednesday we had a 2 hour delay so we got to sleep in. Thursday we had a 1 hour delay so we got to have some free time. Friday we had a 2 hour delay so Mrs. Mellette got to sleep in and come to school. Then

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

In fifth grade we are having a unit about World War II. We just finished a unit about World War I. We are learning about dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. And what a dictator is. We are having fun with it. Today we are having a reward raffle. Everybody must have what they want. We are halfway though the school year. We don't have school on Monday!!

Tyler Hillard

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crazy Day and Character Day

Look at these CRAZY KIDS!!!!


My 4th grade niece!


What a joker!

And, today's feature....CHARACTER DAY!!!

Do you see Red Riding Hood, a ballernia from Swan Lake, Johnny (of Jackie) Appleseed, that mouse from Narnia, the Ringling Brothers Clown, and so many more???

My favorite picture....
President Lincoln, Shoofly Girl, Cowgirl Kate, Johnny Appleseed, Maria von Trapp - Julie Andrews
Lastly, we had the privilge of hearing "The Butterfly" by Patricia Polacco read by Mrs. Brobst, our principal. Prior to becoming principal, Mrs. Brobst was a French teacher for 20 years. She read the book wonderfully! French accent and all!!!

Tomorrow: Sports Day and FRIDAY: BLUE and WHITE day in honor of our LCCS LIONS SPIRIT!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Twin Day

The look-a-likes

Okay, the girls didn't even try to dress alike, but they both has white shirts and black pants!

Phillies Phans!

These 2 boys even wore RED SOCKS!
hee hee

The Pretty Pink Princesses

Sportin' their LWA play shirts from years gone by!

Some cuties from 1st grade

With their inspiring teacher!

With my twin!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Queen

"Hear ye Hear ye here comes the Queen." This week on January 6 we had king for a day. But it turned out to be a nice Queen named Anglea. The queen got to make decisions, eat ice cream for lunch, eat candy, have a big desk and comfy chair, and have a crown and a sword and a purple robe. she also got to be first in line. after recess she decreed a snack of candy, salsa, and chips. at the end of the day we opened a pinata and got a lot of candy and we watched a movie. she nominated a girl named Tara second in command. that's the blog for this week.
the end

Jason Swarr

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Three Kings Day

The Wise Men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Child, Jesus.
In Mexico, they celebrate the Magi's visit on January 6!
Inside Mexican bread, a plastic baby (the Child Jesus) is placed. A child who finds the baby, gets to be King or Queen for the day.
I guess Christina didn't find the baby in the Mexican bread.

Judging by Tara's plate, she didn't find the baby either!

No Queen Camila today.
It was Angela who found the baby in the bread!

There's that tiny little plastic baby.

After lunch and recess, Queen Angela requested a snack of tortilla chips and salsa.

To quench her subjects' parched mouths, root beer and ginger ale was brought out.

The Queen on her throne enjoying both beverages - she is the Queen after all!

The Queen also offered bits of chocolate goodness to her people. Yum!

Her reign ended with a pinata celebration that was enjoyed by all!

Before her reign completely ended, Queen Angela dubbed Tara as "Second in Command" (to the surprise of the Emperor - Mrs. Mellette)!!!

Josh with the loot he got from the pinata!

Such a fun day! And, what do we have to look forward to tomorrow: a Spelling Test AND a Pop-Quiz in Social Studies. What a second...I just told you that I'm giving you a Pop-Quiz, so I guess it won't be a surprise! hee hee

The Solar System

This week in the fifth grade we started to learn about the solar system and a little beyond. so far we learned the order of the planets. We also watched a movie on the universe, "Created Cosmos" We learned about the constellations and other suns. Speaking of suns we learned our sun is not the biggest sun out there. The biggest sun is called Betelgeuse and there are blue suns too. Another thing we learned is that the universe and saw that it's really big. That's what we learned this week in science.

By Jason Swarr

Spirit Week Next Week

Monday: Twin Day
Tuesday: Crazy Day
Wednesday: Character Day
Thursday: Sports Day
Friday: Blue/White Day