Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Small One

Seriously, I have the cutest 5th grade class ever. Here are pictures from our 5th grade class play, Small One. Enjoy and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Around The World!

So we finished the Christmas Around The World booklets on Thursday. First we did Denmark, next we did Germany, then we did Quebec, afterwards we did Ireland, but our last stop was Mexico. But Mexico doesn't end until January 6. On January 6 we share a loaf of bread and there is a plastic baby inside and whoever finds it gets to be king for the day! So the "king" gets to be served awesomely!!!! So, Christmas actually ends on January 6. And there is some other news too, TOMORROW IS OUR PLAY AND I'M PUMPED! Well, our play is tomorrow at 10:30 AM BY CAMILA

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Amish Culture

You know what's funny? I saw Fanny Lapp last night and she told me I spelled her name wrong on our classroom blog. I apologize, FannIE! But, you know what "wonders me"? How did Fannie see the classroom blog? She's Amish! Oh, that Fannie! I think she's gettin' a bit worldy!

What's next, Fannie?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2nd Stop Celebrating Around the World

Our second stop took us to Germany where we learned the tradition of children taking off one shoe and leaving it outside their bedroom doors on Dec. 5. On Dec. 6, children awake to see - if they have been good - candy and special treats in their once-empty shoe!

We modified this, of course, and as the 5th graders finished up P.E., but before they went on to Library, they stopped off at our classroom to take off one shoe and leave it on their desk. When they came back to the room, their shoe was overflowing with German cookies, peppermint wheels, a bookmark, a name card, candy and more!

Today we finished up our German celebration with a dear friend of mine, Fanny Lapp - you'll never forget her's 2 body parts! Fanny's family immigrated from Germany, so she has a very strong German accent.

She read us a book her husband wrote, "Pennsylvania Dutch Night Before Christmas". It was a hit!

My 5th graders got a vonderful goot taste of sum real Jermen (German) traditions. I don't think they'll ever forget my friend, Fanny Lapp!

Fanny even taught them some vords in Jermen.

Her story vas vary int'resting.

Be sure 'n ask your vonderful goot chil'rin 'bout Fanny and her vonderful goot story.

Merry Christmas!
Our Next Stop: Quebec, Canada

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Around the World: Denmark

Fifth Graders are learning about the Christmas celebrations and traditions of different countries around the world. Our first stop: Denmark.
The legend in Denmark is that the animals spoke on Christmas Eve. In honor of how well the animals took care of the Christ child, children in Denmark give a special treat to animals on Christmas Eve.
Here we are making peanut butter-pine cone-bird feeders.

Stringed up and ready to hang outside

Jason braves the high altitude and climbs a tree to hang a bird feeder

The birds will love this!
Our tree hugger, I mean, climber! Luke climbs another tree for us!
Daniel couldn't resist climbing a bit to help out.
Annie and Alissa risk it to climb a large....bush! :o)