Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This past week in fifth grade we learned about Canada and we had some food from Canada called poutine. Poutine is like french fries but with gravy and cheese curds. It is soooo good -it sounds really dusgusting, but it is amazingly good!

Last week we finished our read aloud book "Holes" so this week we had a book report on it. You could choose what you wanted to do: a one-person show or a diorama. We had a great time showing everybody our stuff or performing our one-person show/skit. I really liked Seirra Stoltzfus' one-person show. She was Kissin' Kate Barlow. Kate Barlow was a teacher. She loved a man named Sam. Sam was black and Kate was white and that wasn't allowed in that time period. The sheriff said, "If you give me a kiss, I will let you have Sam as your boyfriend and I won't kill him. But Kate did not give him a kiss, so he shot Sam. Then, she was known as Kissin' Kate Barlow because she would go around places and if guys asked for a kiss, she'd kill them. Then, she would put on her bright red lipstick and give them the kiss they wanted and that's what she did to the sheriff. That's the scene Seirra acted out.

There are a lot of other great skits and dioramas, too, so check out fifthgradefunatlccs.blogspot.com. We're having a great week with our great teacher MRS.MELLETTE!!!!!!!!!! :) From Kaylee Glessner

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