Monday, April 11, 2011

Race for Education Recap

Praying before the Race

On Your Mark, Get Set..... ...GO!!!!
Running the whole way from Korea!
Annie even smiles when she runs!
Peace out and Hello, Mrs. Mellette!
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Serious sweat.
That's Mrs. Sprenkle showing the kiddos how it's done.
Our fan club - the cutie 2nd graders..and marvelous Mrs. Horst!
And, we're done! Phew!

Mrs. Herr teaching her class some after-the-run-stretches.
Mrs. Herr - Winner of the Race - she ran 50 laps in ONE hour! Zac isn't buying that!
Our Korean friends from 4th grade
What? What? The cutest 3rd grader!!!
Congratulations and WELL DONE, everyone!


  1. bahhhhhhhh 50 laps. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrright. YOu are TOO funny Mrs. Mellette. I think you got YOUR score mixed up with MINE!!!!!!!

  2. You're soooo humble, Mrs. Herr!
